
Dues and Donations information can be found here. 

Memberships are valid January 1st thru December 31st.

SPECIAL EVENT STATION K9C – Jeff, W9GY, will be operating K9C on the HF bands using FT-8 and SSB on 2/28 and 3/1-2.  Feel free to use K9C on bands and frequencies according to your license privileges using your home station.   Please announce your intentions and band/mode you will be operating on the .315 repeater so we won’t have two stations operating on the same band at the same time.  When calling CQ, please use a CQ call similar to this:  “CQ CQ CQ  THIS IS SPECIAL EVENT STATION K9C KILO NINE CHARLEY SPECIAL EVENT STATION FOR THE COPPER DOG 150 DOG SLED RACE IN CALUMET, MICHIGAN — THIS IS K9C STANDING BY…”  After the event, please forward your log files (.adi format) to Jeff, W9GY, at jeffw9gy@pasty.net.  Thanks!

Next Meeting – Potluck

Date: April 12th, 2025, 11:30am at the Franklin Township Hall.

49850 HIGHWAY, US-41, Hancock, MI 49930

The KCRA will meet the second Saturday of each quarter.

Meetings are open to all interested in Amateur Radio.

Copper Country Saturday HF Rag Chew Net (NEW)

Meet us every Saturday at 09:00 AM on 3.812 MHz LSB (+ or – QRM) in the general class segment of the 75M band for a friendly rag chew net. All are invited to join. We kindly ask to avoid discussions on politics or religion.


Thank You to all who showed up and many of you that helped to make it a success.


Saturday October 5, 2024

KBIC Senior Center  (Ojibwa Senior Citizens Center)

208 Main Ave. Baraga, Mi

9 AM – 1 PM  (set up: 8 AM)

Admission: $5, Tables $10 – Plenty of tables available, no need to pre-order tables (trunk sales of larger items – OK)

Under 18 (and students) free admission

Snacks, coffee, and soft drinks available

Addition information:  contact Jeff W9GY  jeffw9gy@pasty.net
                                                                  Bill KD8JAM kd8jam@charter.net

Amateur Radio “Field Day 2025”

WHO/WHAT: Members of the COPPER COUNTRY RADIO AMATEUR ASSOCIATION and the KEWEENAW COUNTY REPEATER ASSOCIATION will be participating in the national amateur radio Field Day exercise, June 28-29. Since 1933, ham radio operators across North America have established temporary ham radio stations in public locations during Field Day to showcase the science and skill of amateur radio. This event is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend.

WHEN: From 2pm Saturday, June 28, to 2pm Sunday, June 29.

WHERE: Houghton County Historical Society

53102 Hwy M-26 Lake Linden, MI 49945

For more information about Field Day or amateur radio, visit kcra-mi,net or ccraa.net or arrl.org/what-is-ham-radio.


On January 6,2024 the Keweenaw County Repeater Association changed its call sign from K8MDH to W8FWG in memory of the late George R. Thurner. Thanks again for all you did for this club and the Ham radio community. 73 RIP.

A Big Thank You!

To George Thurner, W8FWG (SK) for his many years of service to the KCRA, CCRAA and to the Ham radio community.

George’s Obituary can be found here.


George Thurner Memorial Page





The Keweenaw County ARES Net is on Fridays at 9pm Followed by A Skywarn Net on 147.315+ MHz PL 100.0 Hz

The Houghton County ARES Net will be on Wednesdays at 8:00PM.
On the 88 repeater (146.880 MHz- with a PL of 100.0 Hz)

The Ontonagon County ARES Net will be on Wednesdays about 8:30PM.

First on the 300 repeater (147.300 MHz- with a PL of 100.0 Hz)

Then QSY to the 73 repeater (146.730 MHz- with a PL of 100.0 Hz) 

Or the 67 repeater (146.670 MHz- with a PL of 100.0 Hz)(Last Wednesday of the month.


Technician HAM Classes:   Thanks to Don W8PSP for teaching the classes! In the 2022 session we had 25 new Hams and in 2023 there was 10. For a total of 35!

Don W8PSP and Simon KE8TXD did an interview for “Copper Country Today”

Aired on January 22, 2023

Copper Country Today Archives – Keweenaw Report

Copper Country Ham Directory 2022

FCC Application Fee Instructions

Detroit Free Press- Article on local Hams.

Check the Open Sky Project. At openskiesproject.org

2019 Chassell Ham Swap Meet sponsored by the CCRAA, BCRA and KCRA grand prize raffle winner. John Kemppainen N8BFL (right) receives his prize a Yaesu FTM-400XDR/DE from CCRAA treasurer Randy McClellan KE8DCK.

Hi! We wish you a hearty Yooper welcome and thanks for visiting our neck of the woods.

Located in Michigan’s northernmost county, the KCRA was originally established in 1983 to provide amateur radio service in rugged and rural Keweenaw County and nearby coastal waters. Today, the W8FWG repeater reaches from Thunder Bay, ON to the Lake Superior shore in Alger and Marquette Counties.

A Big Thank You!

To Gary Hansen, K8YSZ(SK) for his many years of service to the KCRA and as the Keweenaw County EC.

Meet and Greets

Most weeks a group meets on,

Tuesdays at The Miners Café (Laurium) at 9:00am,

Thursdays at Burger King (Calumet) at 2:00pm and

Saturdays The Hut (Kearsarge), The Miners Café (Laurium) or The Loading Zone (Lake Linden) at 11:30am.

(Give a call on the 315 to see if anyone is going)

Thank You

The KCRA would like to thank Keweenaw County for hosting our repeaters at Mount Horace Greeley. (Calumet Air Force Station)

We would also like to thank Pasty.net for supplying us with power and a phone line.


This cam is located at the home of Jeff W9GY and overlooks the North Entry of the Portage Canal.

Live Keweenaw Web Cams (pasty.com)

What is “Ham Radio”

The Radio Amateur’s Code

The Radio Amateur is CONSIDERATE…He/[She] never knowingly operates in such a way as to lessen the pleasure of others. LOYAL…He/[She] offers loyalty, encouragement and support to other amateurs, local clubs, the IARU Radio Society in his/[her] country, through which Amateur Radio in his/[her] country is represented nationally and internationally.

PROGRESSIVE…He/[She] keeps his/[her] station up to date. It is well-built and efficient. His/[Her] operating practice is above reproach.

FRIENDLY…He/[She] operates slowly and patiently when requested; offers friendly advice and counsel to beginners; kind assistance, cooperation and consideration for the interests of others. These are the marks of the amateur spirit.

BALANCED…Radio is a hobby, never interfering with duties owed to family, job, school or community.

PATRIOTIC…His/[Her] station and skills are always ready for service to country and community.

– adapted from the original Amateur’s Code, written by Paul M. Segal, W9EEA, in 1928



Maker Fest 2025: Mosaic of Makers


Amateur Radio “Field Day 2025”

WHO/WHAT: Members of the COPPER COUNTRY RADIO AMATEUR ASSOCIATION and the KEWEENAW COUNTY REPEATER ASSOCIATION will be participating in the national amateur radio Field Day exercise, June 28-29. Since 1933, ham radio operators across North America have established temporary ham radio stations in public locations during Field Day to showcase the science and skill of amateur radio. This event is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend.

WHEN: From 2pm Saturday, June 28, to 2pm Sunday, June 29.

WHERE: Houghton County Historical Society

53102 Hwy M-26 Lake Linden, MI 49945

For more information about Field Day or amateur radio, visit kcra-mi,net or ccraa.net or arrl.org/what-is-ham-radio.




Saturday October 5, 2024

KBIC Senior Center  (Ojibwa Senior Citizens Center)

208 Main Ave. Baraga, Mi

9 AM – 1 PM  (set up: 8 AM)

Admission: $5, Tables $10 – Plenty of tables available, no need to pre-order tables (trunk sales of larger items – OK)

Under 18 (and students) free admission

Snacks, coffee, and soft drinks available

Addition information:  contact Jeff W9GY  jeffw9gy@pasty.net
                                               Bill KD8JAM kd8jam@charter.net


CopperDog 150

The CopperDog 150 will be February 27th -to- March 1st, 2026.

If you are interested in volunteering, would like to sign up for your favorite location, or you have a question or suggestion please contact Communications Coordinator Bill LaBell at billlabell@copperdog150.com.

We will be operating special event station K9C on popular HF bands, See QRZ.com for QSL details.

International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend!

This Years dates: 00.01UTC 16th August 2025 to 24.00UTC 17th August 2025 (48 hours)

ILLW net – Home

This year we will be operating K8L from:

Eagle Harbor Lighthouse US0017


We get there around 9:00am Saturday, setup and run until late afternoon.